Passage Home is excited to partner with Rich 4 Fitness to bring another valuable community resource to South Park, Raleigh and the Safety Club. Passage Home takes a holistic approach to breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty. Poverty impacts all aspects of a families life—including their physical fitness. By partnering with Rich 4 Fitness, Passage Home is encouraging healthy lifestyles and promoting the benefits of exercise (improved physical and mental health).
Rich 4 Fitness (R4F) was created by Jasmine Hinton, a certified Personal Trainer and certified Nutritionist. “R4F was inspired by my family, The Richardson’s; Some of the strongest individuals I know. The goal of R4F is to support the community through fitness and proper nutrition. For example, living healthier lifestyles to prevent and control health diseases, improve mental health and poor habits. I truly believe we have a choice to make a change and I plan to reach as many people that I possibly can. It’s time to break the cycle and live a healthier lifestyle. Let’s live Rich, TOGETHER!”
Jasmine is excited about this partnership and the impact it will bring to the community. Stay tuned.