We want to take a moment to thank Glaxo Smith Kline, in partnership with the Triangle Community Foundation, for making our organization a part of this year’s GSK IMPACT Awards. Passage Home was recognized for making a significant impact in Wake County over the course of the past year (see the impact below).
Passage Home is honored to be acknowledged for the role we play in making the Triangle community a healthier place to live, work and thrive.
“In a region with so much remarkable growth it is easy to look past our most vulnerable citizens and assume all are receiving a share of the prosperity,” said Lori O’Keefe, President and CEO of Triangle Community Foundation. “The reality is we need groups and all of the organizations doing such outstanding work in our community to support those in need and help them receive the support and services they need to succeed.
Because of the community we serve, our employees, volunteers, and donors, we have been able to reach more people and offer more comprehensive support. This GSK IMPACT Award will help us to continue our mission to end poverty and homelessness in Wake County and we are eternally grateful.