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Leadership Letter

Bringing people and places together in our community is a serious challenge and we believe can only be met by seeking new and creative ways to form public-private partnerships. These partnerships make the best use of public dollars while leveraging private donations and support.

Over the course of our more than 20-year history, we’ve learned the value of creating these collaborations to build on shared strengths and reducing the need for one organization to “do it all.” Through this collaborative approach, we’ve seen a third grader enter our after-school program, graduate from high school and become the first in his family to go to college. We’ve seen a homeless substance abuser with a criminal record become a first time homeowner and employee of Passage Home. And we’ve seen a veteran, struggling to find his place in the country he served, find housing, a job and a sense of community again.

These are just a few of our many inspiring stories. On behalf of those we serve, thank you for your support of time, talent and treasure, giving us your confidence as we build effective programs to break the cycle of poverty.


Alfred Leach
BAERING, President & Chief Strategy Officer