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Success Stories

Kier Ayers

In 2016, Kier found herself alone and began to fall into a deep depression. Although Kier had many successes in her life, she found herself unable to help herself. In 2017 she was referred to Passage Home’s Job Readiness Program where she entered the Basic Culinary and Restaurant Certification Class.

Kier successfully obtained three certificates and completed the culinary class in December of 2017. Since then she has completed the Hospitality course through Wake Tech and received an additional four certifications.

Through our partnerships she has secured a contract with a church in Raleigh for their summer missionary program and begins her full-time employment with NC State University as their lead cook. In her extra time Kier volunteers during our culinary class and other events to give back what was so freely given to her.

Kier says “If it wasn’t for Passage Home, I wouldn’t have had this
opportunity and that’s why I give back!”

Your support makes a difference in the lives of all those whom Passage Home serves. Like Kier, there are many who need our help with housing, employment, and developing life skills such as managing personal finances. These practical steps by which we help those we serve offer more than a hot meal or a warm bed – we offer hope. Hope for a better future.

Quincy Hicks

Quincy Hicks first came to Passage Home when he found himself, his wife, and his four children to be homeless. His wife was employed full-time and he received Disability Income, but Mr. Hicks still could not afford to support his family of six. Passage Home quickly located a house on their behalf and provided rental assistance while the family got back on their feet. For this family, a new house meant new school assignments, which was confounded by limited transportation. The agency’s Youth Department was able to assist the family with successful enrollment in three different schools, arrange for school bus transportation, and consistently correspond with school social workers regarding academic barriers. Now that his family had a place to call home and the children were in school, Mr. Hicks could focus on increasing his income. Though a hard worker, Mr. Hicks often had trouble getting and maintaining a job due to his disability, despite his strong desire to do so. Mr. Hicks attended vocational trainings through the agency’s Workforce Development Department. Once completed, Passage Home recommended Mr. Hicks for the time-limited On the Job Training program at one of several employment partners, The Green Chair Project. The OJT program allowed for Mr. Hicks to learn and gain work experience through employment, while earning a paycheck. The Green Chair was so impressed by Mr. Hicks’ work ethic and performance, they hired him on full time. Mr. Hicks has since rescinded his Disability income so that he can continue to work as The Green Chair’s newest Supervisor.


Shayne Munger

Shayne Munger was referred to Passage Home after 15 years of incarceration. He had no home, no income, no transportation, no formal education or training, and only the clothes on his back to his name. Passage Home immediately referred him to basic social services, but even connections to these services posed a barrier since many required proof of identification. Still, obtaining housing was his primary goal. Although his criminal background restricted his housing choices and locations, Passage Home was able to quickly identify housing through our existing landlord networks. We communicated directly with Mr. Munger’s Parole Officer to approve the identified housing and he was able to sleep in his own home that evening. Passage Home also provided short-term rental assistance while Mr. Munger worked on increasing his income. Once stabilized, we connected him to basic services to obtain proper identification, food, and clothes. Mr. Munger enrolled in Passage Home’s BOOST pre-employment classes where he developed a résumé, learned how to search for jobs, and practiced interviewing skills. While he was attending BOOST, a Board member learned of Mr. Munger’s story and referred him to an employer. Within two months, he gained full employment as a forklift operator. With these new skills, Mr. Munger maintained employment for over a year and independently paid all of his bills.

With the help of Passage Home, Mr. Munger acquired safe housing, employment, and social supports.